Integrating AI with cyber security

The growth of smart devices have given a huge push to use of wireless devices like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. As cyber attacks grow in volume and complexity, artificial intelligence (AI) is helping under-resourced security operations analysts stay ahead of threats.

AI can be a powerful weapon against cyber attacks, when deployed in concert with other defensive mechanisms. The core functionality of cybersecurity involves protecting information and systems from major cyber threats.

Essential steps or roadmap for implementation of AI tool

  1. Identify relevant and up-to-date data sources
  2. Create data platforms to implement AI
  3. Choose the right use cases to maximize benefits
  4.  Improve threat intelligence by collaborating with external parties
  5. Deploy SOAR technologies to enhance security management
  6. Make cybersecurity analysts AI-ready
  7. Establish AI cybersecurity governance for transparent, ethical, and long-term improvement  


The cybersecurity threats have changed in three crucial ways in recent past:

  • MOTIVE: In the past viruses were introduced by programmers .Today cyber attacks are a result of well executed plan by trained militaries in support of cyber warfare.
  • SPEED: The potential rate at which the attack spreads has also increased and can effect computer all over the globe in seconds.
  • IMPACT: the potential impact has increased manifold due to wide penetration of internet

AI and Machine learning is a most commonly used word today in every fields. The results has been promising leading to a belief that AI/Ml application will always lead to success. While there is no denying the fact that AI/ML promises to improve some aspects of defense through automation, great caution is needed for deployment of such systems.

Data is a critical Feature. Security ML/AI algorithms will actually realize their true potential when trained on large, diverse training data sets. Here not only the quantity matters but quality also is a key player. Even though large volumes of data are available today which is doubling every second, most of the data lack in completeness.

Today, a network implies human users connected by smart devices all over the globe. Network is not merely defined by electronic equipment in a room or building. Due to such vastness, it becomes an easy target for cyber attacks aided by AI bots.


Integrating AI with the cyber security is beneficial for the users since today’s world mainly dependent on the Smart devices and digital currencies. Cyber security gives a way of protection to all their data’s by protecting them from cyber threats.


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